Naturalization of New Citizens One World Day 2016 Cleveland Cultural Gardens August 28, 2016
After the One World Day ceremonies, Federal Judge Daniel A. Polster conducted the naturalization ceremony.
Judge Daniel A. Polster is a United States federal judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. He presided over the Naturalization of 19 new citizens at the 71st annual One World Day in the Centennial Year of the Gardens.
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Judge Daniel A. Polster
Judge Polster invited the new citizens to say a few words and Upendra Luitel, a refugee from Bhutan, made some inspiring comments.
Upendra Luitel and Judge Daniel A. Polster
The new citizens took the oath and came on stage for their paperwork.
The new citizens joined with students from Hawken School to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and then sing America the Beautiful.
Hawken students
Reverend Benjamin Gohlstin of Heritage Community Baptist Church offered a closing prayer and the ceremony ended.
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