Another highlight of the 8th Annual ICC-WIN Cleveland Multicultural Holiday Celebration on Wednesday, December 6, 2017 at the Global Center for Health Innovation in Cleveland was the large map of the world. People found the country of their heritage and posed.
Ellena and Tigran with mother Kristine Baghdasaryan
Representing Armenia

Zijie Li, Lu Geng, Xiaocong Ding and Yufei Guo
representing China
Shirien Muntaser representing Palestine

Nemer Saueidi representing Lebanon
Bea and Gino Collage representing Italy
Nader Soliman and Hadia Tawadros representing Egypt
Anthony and Michael Mendoza
Representing the Philippines
Alex Murray and Bill Kennedy representing Scotland

Tugce Sareyyuoglu and daughters Ceren and Defne
representing Turkey
Gia Hoa Ryan, Oahn Loi-Powell, Evan Powell and Madi Harris
representing Vietnam


Gustav Kotlarsic and Amelia Kotlarsic
representing Poland.

Sladjana Kozul and Milica Tojagic with
young Tijana and Elena Kozul representing Serbia
Tigran and Ellena Baghdasaryan representing Armenia
Natasha Paros-Gaser and David Turk representing Slovenia
Samy Tanious representing Egypt
Ken Kovach representing Russia
Rania Abbadi representing Greece and Jordan
PIAST representing Poland
Murat Gurer
Kotlarsic family

Nada Martinovic with Nader Soliman and Hadia Tawadros

Damon Wilson, Niza Phiri and Baby "Princess" Sophia from Zambia
Young Turkish girls
Gia Hoa Ryan and Joe Meissner
Ingrida Bublys, Ken Kovach and Mehmet Gencer
Councilman Brian Cummins helping with registration
Cleveland History Center table
ASIA Inc table
Aicha Traore

Ruta Degutis, Linas Johansonas and Ingrida Bublys
PIAST Polish Dancers
Turkish mother and daughters
Joe Meissner, Gia Hoa Ryan,
Debbie Yue and Vincent Cononico
Nada Martinovic and friends
Indian ladies
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