Enjoy these images from the groundbreaking ceremony in the African American Cultural Garden on Monday May 11, 2015.
Mayor Jackson with the African American Cultural Garden group
Mayor Frank Jackson and Carl Ewing
Cleveland Cultural Gardens Foundation President Sheila Murphy-Crawford and Cleveland Foundation CEO Ronn Richard
Yvonne Pointer
Mayor Jackson with Estonian Garden delegate Erika Puussaar and her granddaughter
Councilman Kevin Conwell and Carl Ewing
Councilman Jeff Johnson next to design of new Garden
Susan Hall and Carl Ewing
Mayor Jackson and Dorothy Adams
Eugene Jordan and Dan Hanson
Footprints band
Sheila Murphy Crawford and Leon Bibb
Carl Ewing and Debbie Hanson
Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation representatives Anda Cook, Sheila Murphy-Crawford, Flora Mark and Pierre Bejjani

Dan Hanson and Khalid Samad

African American Garden Groundbreaking Main page
Groundbreaking and Drummers/Dancers in the African American Garden
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