The Federation of India Community Associations (FICA) hosted a celebration of Diwali in the Rotunda of Cleveland City Hall on October 21, 2011. 
After networking, snacks and cocktails, Master of Ceremonies Asim Datta welcomed the crowd.
Asim Datta
Asim then introduced FICA President Mona Alag.
FICA President Mona Alag
Mona introduced Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson.
Mayor Frank Jackson
Mayor Jackson presented certificates to Mona and FICA.
Ariella Brown from Congressman Marcia Fudge's office and George Brown from US Senator Rob Portman's office were introduced and spoke briefly.

Ariella Brown

George Brown
Asim Datta told how Diwali is celebrated in many different ways in India and that the feast has many different aspects.
On Page 2, see the award-winning Peacock and Snake Dance choreographed by Shivankari Sanjeevan and Ahalya Ramanathan
On Page 3, see pictures of people in the crowd at the Diwali celebration
2011 Diwali - Page 1 (This Page)
FICA presentations and speeches
2011 Diwali - Page 2
Award-winning dance recital Peacock and Snake Dance
2011 Diwali - Page 3
Pictures of people in the crowd at the Diwali celebration
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