FICA is an organization dedicated to serving the needs of the Asian Indian Community in Northeast Ohio. From its humble beginnings as a student association in 1962, it has grown to be the voice of a diaspora of over 20,000 and on the increase. FICA helps Asian Indian families assimilate into the mosaic of greater Cleveland.
Over the weekend of August 18, 2013 FICA hosted special events to celebrate India Independence Day. Enjoy these photos from the event.
Anjan Ghose, Chittaranjan Jain and Kathy Ghose
Flavia Shresta, Mukund Pai and Michael Sreshta
Tarun Momapatra, Marinmuta Momapatra,
Pooja Bharnajae and Ratat Bhihani
Diph Patade, Shreyamshi Bhatt and Mamishi Bhatt
Sumutra Bharrachajyya and Brojesh Pakrashi
Madhu and Marisa Mohapatra
Raj Pillai, Sujata Burgess and Ken Kovach
Sanjay Garg
Surekha Pai
Tanya Janerjef, Ame Saha, Dina Nath, Neerjat, Manjut Singh
Pocja Bhatnagar
Poojajeet Kauf Kihira and her father Azadjeet Singh
Vibha Alangar, Paavani Reddy, Afshara Ravichandran

Anjan Ghose

Paramjit Singh
Family visitng from Bombay
FICA Independence Day Main Page
FICA Sports Tournament
Faces in the crowd at FICA Independence Day (this page)
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FICA, Federation of India Community Associations