The 2013 International Folk Festival was held at Wade Oval in University Circle in Cleveland.
Asim Datta served as Master of Ceremonies along with Ken Kovach. Ken Kovach and Asim Datta
The Indian community was represented by Shri Kalaa Mandir students.
Shri Kalaa Mandir dance students
In this video, Shri Kalaa Mandir students performed a traditional Indian Folk dance that suggests the cuckoos singing in the mountains of Southern India in the gentle breeze. Shri Kalaa Mandir Center for Performing Arts was founded by Bharathanatyam exponent Sujatha Srinivasan to propagate and promote the ancient classical dance and music of India.
This next dance showed how the gypsies of the region compared their mountains to the Himalayas.

MC Asim Datta
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