Members of the Indian Christian Association of Northeast Ohio have been gathering to celebrate Christmas for over 30 years. At the service, the group sings hymns in both English and native Indian languages. The 2014 event was at the Church of the Savior in Cleveland Hts. Ohio.
Michael Sreshta served as MC of the event.
Michael Sreshta
He introduced a song called Andala Tara in the Telugu language which is one of six languages designated a classical language of India and ranks third by the number of native speakers in India.
Singing Andala Tara in Telugu

Irene Rolston sang Bhor Ki Kiran in Hindi at the annual Christmas service of the Indian Christian Association of Northeast Ohio. Irene Rolston
A group of Indian-American youth sang a song called What is Christmas.
Dr. Sam Rajiah sang Karirul Velaiyil in Tamil. Tamil is spoken predominantly by Tamil people of Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. The song is about the King of King who came to earth as a poor boy to save us. Dr. Sam Rajiah
Next, a lady sang a song in Malayalam. Malayalam is a language spoken predominantly in the state of Kerala.
Between the songs there were readings, prayers and inspirational words reflecting on the Reason for the Season.
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