Thousands of people flocked to the Center for Pastoral Leadership on Euclid Avenue in Willoughby on Sunday August 5th to participate in the 7th Annual "Fest". The Fest is a remarkable gathering of Catholics coming together with family and friends. It is a one day free event. Many nationalities had booths and put on demonstrations of their ethnic dancing and folklore. Irish Dancers, Austrian dancers, Polish dancers and Hispanic dancers were among the many groups participating. The Pipes and Drum of the East Side Irish American Club also played. There was an impressive line up of Christian entertainers including international recording star, Michael W. Smith who premiered a new song, O Happy Day. Smith is off now to concerts in Nashville, Indiana, Oklahoma and even the Netherlands. Also performing was Superchick, Praise-Appella and Leeland, among others. Most area Catholic high schools had booths discussing what their schools have to offer. John Carroll University not only had a booth, but was a sponsor as well. Representatives from many orders of priests, brothers and sisters were on hand to discuss vocations. It was truly inspiring to see the tens of thousands of people coming together - even the on-again-off-again storms couldn't keep them away. The day ended with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Lennon which was followed by fireworks! If you have never been to The Fest, plan on attending next year, it is not to be missed.
Visit THE FEST web site at

Stage at the Cleveland Catholic Fest

Schools at the Cleveland Catholic Fest

Girls from the Clown Ministry

Sisters of St. Benedict

Ladies of the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association

Sister of the Most Holy Trinity

Missionary Sister of Our Lady of Victory

Walsh University display at The Fest

Ursuline Sisters display at The Fest

Sisters of St. Joseph display at The Fest

Daughters of St. Mary of Providence

Young Polish Dancers at the Cleveland Catholic Fest

Polish Display at the Cleveland Catholic Fest

Monks from St. Andrew's Abbey

St. Andrew's Abbey Benedictine Monks Display

Sisters of the Holy Spirit

Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Nigerian Catholics

Mercedarian Friars

Little Sisters of the Poor display

Lake County Right to Life display

John Carroll University booth
Franciscan Friars

Franciscan Friars button

World Apostolate of Fatima - Cleveland display

Father Tom Behrend

Cleveland Central East Catholics

Inside the tents at the Cleveland Catholic Fest 2007

Slovak display at the Cleveland Catholic Fest 2007

Nigerian display at the Cleveland Catholic Fest 2007

Korean display at the Cleveland Catholic Fest 2007

Korean display at the Cleveland Catholic Fest 2007

Korean Catholic at the Cleveland Catholic Fest 2007

103 Korean Martyrs painting at the Korean display

Hispanic display at the Cleveland Catholic Fest 2007

Hispanic girls at the Cleveland Catholic Fest 2007

Cleveland Catholic Fest 2007 banner

Blessed Sacrament Congregation display

Austrian dancers at the Fest

Hungarian Catholics booth at the Cleveland Fest 2007

Croatian Catholics booth at the Cleveland Fest 2007

Irish Catholics booth at the Cleveland Fest 2007

Italian Catholics booth at the Cleveland Fest 2007

Nigerian Catholics booth at the Cleveland Fest 2007

Project Sunshine display

Some of the literature available at the Cleveland Catholic Fest

Offering Sister Assumpta's famous cookies

Signing the Pledge

Peace & Justice Coffee House

We promise to Pray for Vocations

Monks at the Catholic Fest

Sister at the Catholic Fest

Sister at the Catholic Fest

Sister of the Holy Spirit at the Catholic Fest

Visitng the Catholic Schools booths at the Catholic Fest

The young enjoyed the rock climbing

They also enjoyed the extreme sports on display

Statue of Charles Borromeo
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