Our coverage of the 2017 WUJA Conference at John Carroll University is just a sample of what took place. Off-campus events (like an evening at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum) as well as 60 speakers, 30 breakout sessions, lots of time for socializing, networking, prayer and meditation. Here are a very few images from the event.
 Father Timothy P. Kesicki, SJ,, Jeanne Colleran and Gerald F. Cavanagh, S.J.
Fr. Don Doll, S.J.
WUJA attendees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
JCU Bookstore
2017 WUJA attendees
2017 WUJA attendees from India
Enjoying one of the food trucks
2017 WUJA attendees
2017 WUJA volunteer Sue Eagan and Sr. Sheila Marie Tobbe, O.S.U.
2017 WUJA attendees
2017 WUJA attendees
St Ignatius statue facing St. Francis Chapel at John Carroll University
Companions of Jesus in St. Francis Chapel at John Carroll University
St Ignatius Loyola statue at John Carroll University
Hamlin Quadrangle at John Carroll University
This is CLE at John Carroll University
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We Pray the Rosary - Living Rosary DVD
Hail Mary, Full of Grace…
This DVD is a Living Rosary in the sense that over 200 people participated in saying a prayer. 3 bishops, numerous priests and sisters and a variety of lay people all said a prayer (Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary or Glory Be) that when put together combine to form the complete Rosary. All 4 Mysteries (Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous) are included and there is an extra Decade for your special intentions.
We hope that this DVD inspires you to pray the Rosary more frequently. You can choose to view/pray a single Decade, a complete Mystery or all 4 Mysteries. The DVD includes a listing of all the Mysteries. The Rosary is a great gift given to us by Our Blessed Mother.
Learn more about the Living Rosary and how you can order this DVD