St. Patrick parish was founded on March 17, 1848. It is the oldest Catholic parish in Cuyahoga County. Because of the Church restructuring, St. Patrick's is slated to merge with 2 other churches and become a new parish. 

Hymn: All Praise to St Patrick
All praise to St Patrick, who brought to our mountains
The gift of God's faith, the sweet light of his love
All hail to the shepherd who showed us the fountains
That rise in the heart of the Savior above
For hundreds of years, in smiles and in tears
Our saint has been with us, our shield and our stay
All else may have gone, St Patrick alone
He hath been to us light when earth's lights were all set
For the glories of Faith, they can never decay
And the best of our glories is bright with us yet
In the Faith and the feast of St Patrick's Day
There is not a saint in the bright courts of heaven
More than to he to the land of his choice
Oh, well may the nation to whom he was given
In the feast of their sire and Apostle rejoice
In glory above, true to his love
He keeps the false faith from his children away
The dark, false faith, far worse than death
Oh, he drives it far off from the green sunny shore
Like the reptiles that fled from his curse in dismay
And Erin, when error's proud triumph is o'er
Will still be found keeping St Patrick's Day.

Hymn: O Great St Patrick
O great St Patrick, still we hear you call us
Unto a life that knows no fear of hell
Down through the ages will your faith recall us
To Jesus Christ, whose glory none can tell
Christ was the center rock of all your teaching
God's triune life, the splendor of its theme
His grace informed, his love enflamed your preaching
Christ's rule on earth the substance of your dream.
Once led among a people wrapped in darkness You heard their anguished cry for life and light
You shared a faith in Jesus and his Gospel In which they still in love abide aright Your life was spent in tireless endeavor To found his Kingdom on the Irish shore One Faith, one Lord, one Baptism, one Father One flock. One Shepherd, now and evermore.

See photos and videos of St. Patrick Church and parishioners on Saint Patrick's Day 2010
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