The Chinese Year of the Tiger began with the new moon on February 14, 2010. The St. Clair Superior Development Corporation (SCSDC) has installed 25 fiberglass tiger sculptures featuring unique designs created and applied by Northeast Ohio artists/organizations. The sculptures are sponsored by dozens of local businesses and can be seen throughout Cleveland’s St. Clair Superior neighborhood and in other key locations in and around downtown Cleveland. Previous years celebrations included sculptures of the Dog, Pig, Rat and Ox.
According to the Wayang Times, "Drama, intensity, change and travel will be the keywords for 2010. Unfortunately, world conflicts and disasters tend to feature during Tiger years also, so it won’t be a dull 12 months for anyone. The Year of the Tiger will bring far reaching changes for everyone. New inventions and incredible technological advances have a good chance of occurring. For all of the Chinese horoscope signs, this year is one to be active – seizing opportunities and making the most of our personal and very individual talents. Everything happens quickly and dramatically in a Tiger year – blink and you could miss an important chance of a lifetime!" We encourage you to visit these sculptures in person. Locations can be found at the Year of the Tiger website. You can find them all in an hour or so. Especially while 10 of the tigers are still on East 30th between Payne and Superior, In the meantime, enjoy some photos of the tigers. And please let us know which is your favorite (vote at the bottom).

Autumn Tiger
Cleveland: The Tiger of Champions
Lou Groza and Jesse Owens
LeBron James, Jim Brown and Bob Feller
The Tiger Changes His Stripes to Spots
Emerald Brick Tiger
Emerald Tiger
Fire Tiger
The Glass Tiger
Green Ti-Gore

Her Stripes of Power, Her Stripes of Royalty
Hu, Wang Zhe (Tiger, the King)
I: of the Tiger
The Kaleidoscope Tiger

The King


Luck & Longevity Tiger
The Lucky Tiger
Ride the Magic
Mong Hu
Cleveland Nights
White Tiger Lily
Which is your favorite? Please e-mail the name of your favorite tiger, and any comments, and we will post the results (anonymously)
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