Zhong Shan Merchants grand opening

Zhong Shan Merchants grand opening
Chinatown in Cleveland
May 22, 2014

After the unveiling of the bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the first president and founding father of the Republic of China, the Zhong Shan Merchants business was opened with firecrackers. Photos were taken of members of the Zhongshan delegation and local leaders such as Anthony Yen, Margaret Wong, Jason Lin, Lisa Wong and Cleveland councilmen Brian Cummings, Joe Cimperman and TJ Dow.

Welcome sign at Zhong Shan Merchants grand opening in Chinese

Welcome sign at Zhong Shan Merchants grand opening in English

Zhong Shan Merchants grand opening

Group posing at Zhong Shan Merchants grand opening

Jason Lin and

Zhongshan Delegation and Cleveland leaders at grand opening

Zhongshan Delegation and Cleveland leaders at grand opening

Zhongshan Delegation and Cleveland leaders at grand opening

Zhongshan Delegation and Cleveland leaders at grand opening

Zhongshan Delegation and Cleveland leaders at grand opening

Zhongshan Delegation and Cleveland leaders at grand opening

Jason Lin, Chia and

Henry Luu

Joe Cimperman and Jason Lin

Joe Cimperman and Jason Lin

Red Carpet - Anthony Yen

Anthony Yen, Margaret Wong group

Zhong Shan Merchants sign


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Unveiling of Sun Yat Sen statue

The Zhong Shan Merchants business opening with firecrackers (This page)

Welcome ZhongShan Delegation leaders at Emperor's Palace

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