The Year of the Ox public art project celebrates Cleveland’s AsiaTown community, St. Clair Superior’s blossoming arts district & its thriving business community. The St. Clair Superior Development Corporation installed 21 fiberglass oxen sculptures painted by Northeast Ohio artists & sponsored by dozens of local businesses throughout the St. Clair Superior neighborhood of Cleveland and in other key locations in & around downtown Cleveland. You can find a location list to visit the ox art yourself. In the meantime, browse the following images and tell us which is your favorite. 
Babe Martin Boyle Sponsor: Kocian Meats - 4058 St. Clair Ave

Babe, it’s time for a change! Krisztina Lazar Sponsor: Ozanne Construction - Goodrich Gannett Neighborhood Center , 1400 E 55th St

Down to Earth Ox Karen Wellman Sponsor: Day Glo - 4515 St. Clair Ave

Ferdinand Lisa Ruschman Sponsor: Marigold Catering - 3901 Lakeside Ave

Barack Ox Willie Duck Sponsor: St Martin de Porres High School - 6111 Lausche

Fire Toe Alane Sandoval & Scott Pickering Sponsor: Sheliga Drug - 6025 St Clair Ave

Foxy Ox from Fort Knox Jo Ann DePolo Sponsor: Dominion - 1201 E 55th St

Golden Fire Ox Mitzi Lai Sponsor: National City, now a part of PNC - 4005 Chester Ave

Jack in the Ox Billy Nainiger Sponsor: Erie Tavern - 5393 St Clair Ave

Joxen Pollock JoAnn DePolo Sponsor: Sampson-Carnegie - 1419 E 40th St

Hugs & Kisses Ox Terri Snider Sponsor: ASI International - Mitzi Jerman's Tavern, 3840 St. Clair

Oxtor Rick Heller Sponsor: Ohio Technical College - 1374 E 51st St

I, Robotox Ron & Margie Hill Sponsor: Silverlode - Artcraft Bldg, 2530 Superior Ave

Rox Star Sylvia Masek Sponsor: St Clair Superior Development Corporation - 4205 St Clair Ave

Ji Chou; Sacred Cow Beth Gregerson Sponsor: Asia Plaza - 2999 Payne Ave (inside)

Sunny Michael Greenwald Sponsor: Custom Rubber - 1274 E 55th St

Vincent Van Ox Billy Nainiger Sponsor: Artefino Café - Tower Press Building, 1900 Superior

Vincent Ox Gogh Milan Kecman Sponsor: Shorebank - Wade Oval in University Circle

Happy Ox Kirk Mangus Sponsor: Legal News Publishing - Galleria at Erieview

Cleveland Ox JoAnn DePolo Sponsor: Councilman Joe Cimperman - Cleveland City Hall
Which is your favorite? Please e-mail the name of your favorite ox, and any comments, and we will post the results (anonymously) See a Lion Dance for the Year of the Ox.
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