Jane Hyun, President and Founder of Hyun & Associates, is an executive coach and leadership strategist to Fortune 500 companies, top MBA programs, and non-profit organizations. Her Bamboo Ceiling Series leadership coaching programs has garnered praise from global Fortune 100 companies in 100 companies in the U.S. and in key global markets. The Bamboo Ceiling series is based on her book, Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling. The book suggests that Asian Americans are not reaching their full potential in the workplace. Asian Americans are one of the fastest growing groups in the U.S. labor force but remain one of the least represented groups in senior management ranks at Fortune 500 companies. A 2003 Catalyst study showed that while Asian women make up an important and growing source of talent, they make up .29% of the 10,000+ corporate officers of Fortune 500 companies. A previous study by Cliff Cheng showed that Asians make up less than 1/2 of 1/% of Fortune 250 companies. 
Jane Hyun at the Cleveland City Club
Many Asian American professionals report that they are often misunderstood in business settings. Second and third-generation Asian Americans who don't speak a syllable of Asian dialect report being mistaken as foreigners or expatriates in the workplace.While Asians are well represented in entry level positions, few advance to senior management ranks or corporate board positions because of cultural barriers or lack of organizational resources. During Ms Hyun's presentation at the City Club of Cleveland on February 29, 2008, one of her points was demonstrated for her. During the Q&A session, all the questions came from non-Asians, though there were many Asians in the room. Jane Hyun pointed out that for many Asians, a more inclusive approach would allow for submitting questions on 3 x 5 cards for example, instead of standing up and addressing the speaker and crowd at a microphone. One young Chinese women did eventually ask a question but it was a clear indication of cultural differences that we may not even be aware of.
Jane Hyun - 1. Doing business with Asian cultures is more relationship oriented than the West's task oriented approach.
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Listen to how networking, business and even contracts differ
Jane Hyun - 2. Build your Cultural Vocabulary.
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Listen to eliminate your cultural blind spots.
Jane Hyun - 3. Most of us have been taught to treat people the same. Jane Hyun says to consider how others need to be motivated to have them reach their full potential.
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Listen to how US education is different from Asian.
Jane Hyun - 4. What societal issues will appear along with Asia's rapid growth?
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Listen to Jane Hyun's prediction.

Jane Hyun with immigration attorney Margaret W. Wong
Lubrizol's Supapak Yodseranee, Dave Cowen and Arul Mathew at Jane Hyun's speech at the City Club of Cleveland

Jane Hyun signs an autograph after her speech
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