The historic Bohemian National Hall, Home of the Czech Cultural Center, is located at 4939 Broadway Ave. in Cleveland. It was the host venue for the 100th anniversary celebration of the Cleveland Agreement which paved the way for the creation of Czechoslovakia.
Lucina Dancers
After a performance by the Lucina Dancers, Master of Ceremonies Paul Burik began the program.
Paul Burik He called on Alice Khol, President of Sokol Greater Cleveland, who gave some of the history of the Historic Bohemian National Hall.
Alice Khol
Paul Burik then introduced Marjorie Juba to lead the national anthems of the Czech Republic and Slovakia at the Historic Bohemian National Hall. Marjorie led Kde Domov Muj and Fr. Michael Brunovsky led Nad Tatrou Sa Blyska.
Marjorie Juba Father Michael Brunovsky
Father Michael Brunovsky, OSB MS Ed and principal of Benedictine High School, gave the invocation and asked the people to pray for Cardinal Ján Chryzostom Korec, a Slovakian Jesuit priest who died that morning.
Paul Burik read a proclamation from Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson that recognized the important event.
Paul Burik
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Paul then told of placing a wreath at the statue of Thomas Masaryk, founder and first President of Czechoslovakia, every October 28. He also said that while 100 years seems like a long time it is really only 3 generations. He told how a grandson of Frank Vacha had a letter from Masaryk from 1922. Masaryk bust at Bohemian Hall
Stephen J Sebesta, PhD spoke at the 100th anniversary commemoration of the Cleveland Agreement at the Historic Bohemian National Hall. His speech was titled "The Cleveland Agreement - The First Major Declaration of Cooperation between Czechs and Slovaks in the US to support an independent Czechoslovakian State." This video highlights part of his speech.
Stephen J Sebesta, PhD

Father Michael Brunovsky, OSB MS Ed and principal of Benedictine High School, spoke next. His presentation was titled "The Slovak Struggle toward the Cleveland Agreement." In this part of the speech he speaks about the 3 elements to the Slovak Question in the 19th Century: Nationalism, Magyarization and Immigration.
Father Michael Brunovsky, OSB MS Ed

Denise Ivan-Antus gave some background about a poem about General Milan Stefanik that she would be reciting.
Denise Ivan-Antus
She told how 33 years earlier her father brought her to the same location to recite another poem in Slovak. She then recited the poem in Slovak about General Milan Stefanik and dedicated the poem to her father.
Denise Ivan-Antus
Before closing, Paul Burik introduced Jarmilla Skorepa who said that for the first time in 60 years a full production of The Bartered Bride play would be performed on the historic stage. Jarmilla Skorepa

An excellent program book, fitting for such an historic occasion, was created by Georgia Maresh.
Georgia Maresh
Main Cleveland Agreement Celebration page (this page)
Photos of historic Czech and Slovak documents and maps
Photos of the Bohemian National Hall
Photos from the Czech Cultural Center of Sokol Greater Cleveland Museum
Photos and video of the Slovak Folk Costumes (Kroje) on display
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