The Finnish Cultural Garden was dedicated September 14, 1958. 

Aleksis Kivi (1834-1872) was a Finnish author who wrote the first significant novel in the Finnish language, Seven Brothers (Seitseman Veljesta ).

Elias Lonnrot (1802-1884) was a Finnish physician and folklorist. He was a collector of traditional Finnish oral poetry. He is best known for composing the The Kalevala: An Epic Poem after Oral Tradition , the Finnish national epic compiled from national folklore.

Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) was a Finnish composer of the later Romantic period whose music played an important role in the formation of the Finnish national identity.

Johan Ludvig Runeberg (1804-1877) was a Finnish poet, and is the national poet of Finland.
Our Land, Finland Our Native Land O let her name ring clear

Johan Vilhelm Snellman (1806-1881) was a Philosopher and Statesman and Father of Finland's monetary system

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