We had a great day Saturday with 80 friends of the French American Chamber of Commerce - Ohio Chapter at the The Cleveland Museum of Art … our first in-person event in two years. The event began with presentations about Bastille Day and the future French Cultural Garden. 

Cedric Le Rouge

Larry Miller
After the presentations, we filled four shuttle buses to take a tour of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens including the site of the future FRENCH garden! On the shuttle buses, we enjoyed summer Bordeaux wines, cheeses from Marchant Manor Cheese, sausages from Saucisson, baguettes from On The Rise Artisan Breads and “Merci” chocolates.

Future Site of the French Cultural Garden Thanks to the Cleveland Museum of Art for helping us out of a jam when we learned two days ago that Cleveland would be underwater today and we quickly had to find a Plan B for our outdoor event.
CMA is a great place to spend those occasional bad weather days we have here in Ohio! People enjoyed spending the rest of their afternoon at the Museum , including the special exhibit about Life in Paris in the late 1800's. We had a some people attend from as far away as Columbus and Toledo! What a great Bastille Day celebration! Thanks Cedric Le Rouge, Alexandrine Tabeau, Tiffany Kuivinen, and Eric Novello for your contributions to the even’s success! Merci Text and photos by C. Larry Miller
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