Over 185 people gathered in the German Cultural Garden in Cleveland to celebrate the 99th year of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens. The Shakespeare Garden, later renamed the British Garden, was started in 1916 so 2015 is the 99th year of the Gardens. The Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation is working hard on plans for the Centennial Year starting with the kick off at the 70th annual One World Day on August 23, 2015. Goethe, Schiller and a red balloon
To celebrate the 99th year, people gathered with 99 red balloons and posed in front of the huge Goethe-Schiller statue as the Cleveland Donauschwasbe Blaskapelle (brass band) played the 1983 German pop hit 99 Luftballons (99 red balloons) by Nena.
The Cleveland Donauschwasbe Blaskapelle played as people gathered before the official program began.
Photos and Videos of Cleveland Donauschwasbe Blaskapelle at the event
99 red balloons, courtesy of Pink Gorilla Balloons were brought in by Bridget from Pink Gorilla and Debbie Hanson.

Bridget from Pink Gorilla and Debbie Hanson with 99 red balloons
The band played the national anthems of the United States and Germany to begin the celebration of the 99th year of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens.
Dan Hanson of ClevelandPeople.Com is co-chair of the Marketing Committee for the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation. He and his sister and co-chair Debbie came up with the idea for and produced the event in the German Cultural Garden. Here Dan explains why the number 99 was chosen.
Dan Hanson
Next the Honorary German Consul Diana Thimmig spoke of the relationship between Germany and the USA.
Honorary German Consul Diana Thimmig
Cleveland Councilman Tony Brancatelli represented Mayor Jackson, Councilman Kevin Conwell and the rest of the City and looks forward to One World Day on August 23, 2015.
Cleveland Councilman Tony Brancatelli
Dan Hanson introduced some of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation delegates and dignitaries in the audience at an event in the German Cultural Garden in Cleveland to celebrate the 99th year of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens before introducing Sheila Murphy Crawford the president of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation. Sheila spoke about the beautiful and historic Cultural Gardens and invited everyone to the 70th annual One World Day on August 23, 2015.
Sheila Murphy Crawford
Hans Kopp represents the German Garden in the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation. Hans told about the huge monument to Goethe and Schiller in the Garden and some of the other busts, like Beethoven and Bach. 60,000 people attended when the Goethe-Schiller monument was unveiled.
Hans Kopp
Dan Hanson told how the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation volunteers are the people who give their time, talent and treasure to making the Gardens such a gem. He thanked his sister Debbie Hanson for coordinating the event and then invited the people to come up to the Goethe-Schiller monument and get a red balloon for the ceremony.
Debbie Hanson
After the ceremony, lunch was served and people enjoyed bratwursts from Five Star Brand Meats, buns from Orlando Bakery, wurst(sausage) salad from Hofbräuhaus Cleveland, German Potato Salad from Phuel Cafe, condiments from Giant Eagle, Brewed Tea from RJ Lipton and various Coca-Cola products from Coca-Cola Cleveland. Thank you to all the sponsors for a great lunch. Debbie Hanson, Angela Woodson and others serving lunch
Gia Hoa Ryan and Oanh Loi-Powell serving food
As President Sheila Crawford and other stated, the Cleveland Cultural Gardens are unique in the world and a treasure in our City. The hard work of the dedicated volunteers of the Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation, who offer their time, talent and treasure, make the Gardens possible. Please join them for the 70th annual One World Day on August 23, 2015 and learn more about the Cleveland Cultural Gardens.

Goethe-Schiller monument
99 Red Balloons Ceremony (this page)
Photos and Videos of Cleveland Donauschwasbe Blaskapelle at the event
Photos and Videos of the 99 Red Balloons Song
People at the 99 Red Balloons in the German Cultural Garden event
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