SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival

SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral
August 22, 2008 Festival

huge Greek flag at 2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

3 short videos of young Greeks dancing at the Festival

Greek Hositality - Xenia at 2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

Xenia is the Greek concept of hospitality or generosity and courtesy shown to guests or travelers.

Xenia consists of three basic rules: The respect from host to guest, the respect from guest to host, and the parting gift from host to guest. The host must provide the guest with food, drink and bath. The parting gift is to show the host's honor at receiving the guest.

The Greek god Zeus was also god of the travelers. This created a particular religious obligation to be hospitable to travelers. If you performed poorly as a host, you would incur the wrath of a god.

To this day any visitor to a Greek home will be received with the highest valued tradition of Philoxenia.

Olive tree from Greece at 2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

Olive tree from Greece

Olive tree from Greece at 2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

Kerasmata sweet treats  from Greece at 2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

Greek foods at 2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

Greek menu at 2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

Costumes of Greece on display at the Festival

Greek costumes at 2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

Greek costumes at 2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

Greek costumes at 2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

Greek costumes at 2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

Pictures from the beautiful Church

2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

We can't wait for the 2009 Greek Festival!

2008 SS Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Festival  (photos by Dan Hanson)

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