The beautiful Hungarian Cultural Garden was the stage for the annual Liszt Concert in the Garden. Enjoy these other images from the Concert. If you can identify anyone in the photos please let us know and we will update. Thanks.
Erika Pussaar and Ernie Mihaly
Carolyn Balogh, Marika Megyimori, Frank Dobos and Andrew Balogh
Vera Holczer

Yuka Nakayama, Chiara Fasani, Jenny Hublin, Anjin Stewart-Funaa and Vera Holczer
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Reger
Frank Dobos and Zoltan Mestrits

Frank Dobos

Julie Beistline and Weiwen Ma

Bravo to the performers and all who made the concert happen
Thanks to Greg Polyak for some of the above photos.
Liszt Concert in the Hungarian Garden - Main Page
Tree Planting ceremony after Liszt Concert
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