The Cleveland Hungarian Cultural Gardens sponsored a Goulash cook-off as a fund-raiser to support the renovation of the Garden.
Carolyn Balogh, Chairman of the Hungarian Cultural Garden says that after the garden celebrated its 70th year in 2008, a five year plan was put into place. The plan is to rebuild and renovate the garden in "the same pattern that was developed and executed in 1938." 
Marika Megyimori and Carolyn BaloghThe Cook-Off was at Saint Emeric, a Hungarian Catholic Church on West 22nd. 
Goulash or Gulyas is too thick and hearty to be considered a soup and is a little thin to be considered a stew. It is usually made with beef, but veal and pork are not uncommon. Marika Megyimori even adds sauerkraut to her goulash, which is typical of the Szekely region, otherwise known as Transylvania.
Goulash may have potatoes or noodles, carrots and other vegetables. But what makes goulash different than any other food is the spicing - and that comes mainly from Hungarian paprika. (Not to be confused with Spanish paprika which is somewhat smokier and less intense.) 
A large cauldron known as a bogracs is used for the preparation. 
In addition to goulash the group offered Pogacsa (a biscuit made with bacon rendering), Langos (fried bread) and a choice of apple or cherry strudel. 
Judging was based on color, texture and taste. There were two categories: People's Choice and Judges Choice. Winner of the People's Choice was John Megyimori, while the winner of the Judge's choice was Istvan Hargatai.

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