The Irish American Club East Side again coordinated the annual Saint Patrick's Day Mass at St. William's Church in Euclid. A packed house watched the club units march in. Bishop Richard G. Lennon was main celebrant at Mass. As the Mass program stated: May Christ and His Saints stand between you and harm. Mary and her Son. Patrick with his staff. Martin with his mantle. Brigid with her veil. Michael with his shield.
And God over all with His strong right hand. 
Dolly Luskin, Sue Miller, Pat Mugridge, Pat Hanson, Rob and Bridget Marok before Mass

Pat Dowd and Jim Corcoran

Kevin Gilbert and Bruce Grieg

Jack and Eileen Garin with Kathy Carey

Vivian Walsh and daughter Jeanie

Euclid Mayor Bill Cervenik with Euclid Council member Madeline Scarniench and Council President Kirsten Holzheimer Gail

Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon and Mass coordinator Debbie Hanson discuss last minute details

Saint William procession of priests

Martin Carey and Bruce McGill

Bishop Richard G. Lennon

Bishop Richard G. Lennon blesses shamrocks, gives them to Debbie Hanson who gives them to Woman of the Year Linda Burke

Irish American Club East Side board members Mickey Coyne, Robin Burton and Frank Preto (rear)

Dolly Luskin and Sue Miller

Irish mother and daughter

Irish father and daughter
Another Irish father and daughter

Mickey Coyne with and Jerry Cook
Jack McGary sang 'Our Lady of Knock' for the Communion Reflection and the crowd joined in on the refrain:Golden Rose, Queen of Ireland
all my cares and troubles cease as we kneel with love before you. Lady of Knock, my Queen of Peace.
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