The 29th annual Cleveland Irish Cultural Festival took place the weekend of July 22-24, 2011. Thanks to intrepid photographers Amy Kenneley and Bob Heiss for the photos.
Mike Kenneley and Gerry Quinn at the Mayo Society booth

West Side Irish American Club Booth - Bill & Diane Luther, Mary Flynn and Eileen McNeely,
Patrick Fallon, son, and Patrick Fallon, father - current president and past president, respectively, of Shamrock Club, Columbus, Ohio

Father Thomas Mahoney and visiting priest from Ireland
John Carrig, who has been piping in priests for Mass for many years
Sunday Mass
Dennis Doyle, Liturgical Music at the Festival for over 20 years

Festival Organizer John O'Brien and family
Angela Staunton & Mary Singer, Irish Tea House Hostesses

Joan & Tom Jennings, who come up each year from Pittsburgh
Carol and Bob Heiss
Great Lakes Pipe Band

Martha Maloney and Charlene Conway

Norine Hastings and Joan Reily

Mickey and Bonnie McNally and Mary Ross

Pam and Russ Splitorff with Linda Baron
Pat Donneley
The Taylors teach Irish set dancing
Jon Gurry

Sullivan's food booth waitress: Hama Van Wormer.
Michelle and John Coleman
Marie May
Michael Crawley
Sunday crowd around the pipe band

Linda Burke, Jim Burke and Dave Clemens
Stephen's Green
Dermot Henry
John F. Webber, the NamesMan (personalized Celtic image cards)
The Kilroys (celebrating 25 years!)
Al O'Leary with Mona & Sean Burke
Do you know these ladies? (tell us)
Too hot to walk

Too hot to be an Irish Wolfhound too

Irish Setter Rescuers Kirsten and Toby Thomas
Denny Peltola with Luna

Can we take him home?
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