A grand time was had by all at the 2015 Mayo Ball. Enjoy these images of some of the attendees.
2015 Mayo Person of the Year Justice Terrence O'Donnell and family
Anita and Tom Scanlon
Gerry Quinn and Fr. Matt Byrne
Judge Pam Barker and Justice Terrence O'Donnell

Teresa and Sean Hardy

Gerry Quinn Jr. Family
Seamus and Nuala Kavanaugh with Consul McBreen
Henry Kenny, Annie May Reape and Kenneth Derry
Kathleen Casey-Proctor, Mary O'Donnell and Vera Casey
Bill and Madeline DuBoise with Justice O'Donnell

Mary and David Stack
John Luskin andf Denise McConville
Michael Climaco, Patrick Sweeney and Jim Brennan
Anne O'Coinne and Ann Garvey
Travis Price with Deepak and Regina Costello
Eileen McCann, Michael and Mary Conkey and John McCann
The Lackey's
James Kilbane, Gerry Quinn and Marshall Griffith
Pat McNea and Bruce Grieg
Pat and Fleur Coyne with Consul McBreen
O'Donnell brothers
Emily Topilow, Shirley Morgenstern and Sheila Murphy Crawford
Fr. Matt Byrne and Tom Scanlon

Pattie Jamieson
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Don't miss the 3 other pages of photos and videos from the 2015 Mayo Ball.
2015 Mayo Ball Main Page
Founders Award to Gerry Quinn at 2015 Mayo Ball
Entertainment at 2015 Mayo Ball
People at the 2015 Mayo Ball (This Page)
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