The kickoff event for the 2013 Cleveland Italian American Heritage Month took place in the Rotunda of Cleveland City Hall on October 7, 2013. The recognition ceremony was sponsored by the Cleveland Italian American Heritage Committee with Rose A. Zitiello serving as Chair and Cleveland Councilman Matt Zone as Co-Chair. Councilman Zone welcomed the crowd and told the history of the 8 year old annual Cleveland event and the 2013 national recognition of Italian Heritage.
Cleveland Councilman Matt Zone
Reverend Martin Polito, Pastor, Holy Redeemer Church, gave the invocation and told how the Creator has given us a creative heart.
Reverend Martin Polito, Pastor, Holy Redeemer Church
11 year old Giovanni Castiglione sang the Italian national anthem and then the US anthem.
 Giovanni Castiglione
Mayor Jackson and Councilman Zone applaud Giovanni Castiglione
Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson said that if you look at the glory days of Cleveland you see that it could not have been possible without people of Italian Heritage.
Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson
Rose Zitiello and Mayor Frank Jackson
Videos of the honorees were shown. The 2013 honorees are:
City of Cleveland Employee Tom Berardinelli
Certified Arborist & Forestry Supervisor
Entrepreneur Joseph Coreno
Caffe Roma & 2013 City of Cleveland Storefront Renovation Recognition for
Restoration of Historic Buildings in Lorain Station District
Youth Cristina DiFranco Senior Mayfield High School, National Honor Society & Scholar Athlete Award Recipient
Individual Angela DiFranco Talbort
National Counselor, Order Sons & Daughters of America & Past President, Federation of Italian American Socialites of Northern Ohio
Arts & Culture
Elaine Scalzi Hopkins
Lecturer & tour guide Cleveland Museum of Art
Joseph D. Miceli & The Miceli Family of Miceli Dairy Products
Reverend Martin Polito
Pastor, Holy Redeemer Church
Rose Zitiello, Chairman of the event, recognized the committee members who make the event possible.
Rose Zitiello
Then the honorees were called up and given their award by Councilman Matt Zone and Mayor Frank Jackson.
Honoree Tom Berardinelli with Mayor Jackson and Councilman Zone
Honoree Jospeh Coreno with Mayor Jackson and Councilman Zone
Honoree Cristina DiFranco with Mayor Jackson and Councilman Zone
Honoree Angela DiFranco Talbort with Mayor Jackson and Councilman Zone
Honoree Elaine Scalzi Hopkins with Mayor Jackson and Councilman Zone
Honoree Jospeh D. Miceli with Mayor Jackson and Councilman Zone
Honoree Rev. Martin Polito with Mayor Jackson and Councilman Zone
The formal program ended with Serena Scaiola, Honorary Italian Consul, who spoke about October being Italian Heritage Month and that 2013 is the Year of Italian Culture in the US. She said that Italians make up the 5th largest ethnic group in the US.
Serena Scaiola
Enjoy these other images from the celebration.
Carla and Joe Coreno With baby Antonio and Councilwoman Dona Brady
Miss Italia Ohio Pasqualina Zindroski
Peter D'Attora and Paul Sciria
Dennis Vellisario and Chuck Arcoria
Matt Zone with Connie and Tony Marotta of Radio Italia
 Gino Colage
Rose Zitiello and Beatrice Colage
Giovanni Castiglione
Tom Berardinelli
Peg Bordonaro
Serena Scaiola and Umberto Fedeli
Rev. Polito and Giovanni Castiglione

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