One World Day 2007 at Hebrew Cultural Garden

One World Day 2007 at Hebrew Cultural Garden

One World Day is an annual Cleveland celebration that features a colorful parade of nations and a naturalization ceremony for new U.S. citizens.

The 2007 One World Day was hosted by the Hebrew Cultural Garden and began, as always, with a parade of flags and costumes.

The One World Parade of Nations begins

The One World Parade of Nations begins

The One World Parade of Nations

The One World Parade of Nations

The One World Parade of Nations - Azerbaijan boy

Azerbaijan boy and flag

The One World Parade of Nations - China and Finland

The One World Parade of Nations - China and Finland

The One World Parade of Nations - Poland

The One World Parade of Nations - Poland

The One World Parade of Nations - Jewish girls

The One World Parade of Nations - Israel

The One World Parade of Nations - Ireland

The One World Parade of Nations - Ireland

The One World Parade of Nations - German and Russian

The One World Parade of Nations - German and Russian

The One World Parade of Nations - China

The One World Parade of Nations - China

The One World Parade of Nations - Africa

The One World Parade of Nations - Africa

The One World Parade of Nations - Germany

The One World Parade of Nations

Mother daughter in native costume

Mother and daughter in native costume

The One World Parade of Nations Flags of the World

One World Day - Flags of the World

The Mazel Tov Choir entertained

The Mazel Tov Choir entertained

National Anthems performed by The Mandel JCC Playmakers Youth Theatre

The National Anthems of the United States and Israel were performed by The Mandel JCC Playmakers Youth Theatre

Donna Yanowitz, Chair, Hebrew Cultural Garden

Donna Yanowitz, Chair, Hebrew Cultural Garden

Naturalization ceremony for new citizens was led by US District Court Judge Dan Polster

Judge Dan Polster welcomes a new citizen

Judge Dan Polster welcomes a new citizen

Judge Dan Polster welcomes a new citizen

Another new citizen is welcomed

Naturalization ceremony for new citizens

Naturalization ceremony for new citizens

A new United States Citizen

A proud new United States Citizen

A proud new United States Citizen

Another proud new United States Citizen

Another proud new United States Citizen

Another proud new United States Citizen

Another proud new United States Citizen

Another proud new United States Citizen

Another proud new United States Citizen

Another proud new United States Citizen

Another proud new United States Citizen

Another proud new United States Citizen

Happy Chinese marchers

China at Parade of Nations

Young people in native costumes

Young people in native costumes

Young people in native costumes

United States

Representing the United States

The Chair of the Cultural Gardens closes the ceremony until One World Day 2008

The Chair of the Cultural Gardens closes the ceremony until One World Day 2008

Cleveland Jews honored at the Hebrew Gardens on One World Day

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