American Jewish Committee Interfaith Seder

American Jewish Committee Interfaith Seder
Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple
April 13, 2011

The 8th Annual AJC (American Jewish Committee) inter-faith Diplomatic Seder was held at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple.

Rabbi Joshua Caruso led the ceremony with enthusiasm and passion. He told how the feast of Passover was both a celebration of freedom and a memory of slavery.

Rabbi Joshua Caruso

Rabbi Joshua Caruso

The Seder is made up of 15 parts. They are:

  1. Kadesh - Reciting the Kiddush (blessing/Prayer of Sanctification)
  2. U'rechatz - Washing of the hands
  3. Karpas - Blessing of green vegetable
  4. Yachatz - Breaking and sharing the matzah (cracker-like unleavened bread)
  5. Maggid - Telling the story of Passover (Exodus)
  6. Rachtzah -Washing hands before meal
  7. Motzi - Prayer to start the meal
  8. Matzah - bless the matzah
  9. Maror - Blessing of bitter herbs
  10. Korech Hillel's sandwich - (Paste of apples, spices and nuts spread between matzah)
  11. Schulchan Orech - Eating the meal
  12. Tzafun - Eating the afikoman (remaining matzah and dessert)
  13. Barech - Saying grace
  14. Hillel - Psalms of praise
  15. Nirtzah - Conclusion of Seder

The very diverse crowd took part in reading, dancing, singing and telling personal stories.

Eduardo Romero reading

Eduardo Romero reading as Asim Datta follows along

Of course we can't forget the traditional Seder foods.

Food from the Seder

In the video below, Rabbi Joshua Caruso introduced Dara Holop who led the crowd in Am Yisrael Chai.


Rabbi Joshua Caruso, Dara Holop and Scott Matasar

Later, Dara Holop led the crowd in Go Down Moses.

The music continued with dancing through the room.

Dancing at Fairmount Temple Seder - Bob Smith

Bob Smith and Meredith Turner

Dancing at Fairmount Temple Seder

Dancing at Fairmount Temple Seder

Several people shared a personal story.

German Consul Diana M. Thimmig told how she appreciates freedom so much more after a recent trip to Tibet.

Rev. Dr. Otis Moss Jr. told about his struggles in the South.

Peggy Zone Fisher told about her "mixed marriage". She is a Catholic and her husband Lee Fisher is Jewish. She also told of how her West Side family was the only home supporting Carl Stokes for Mayor in the 1960's and the price they paid for that.

The evening was another tremendous example of the diversity in Cleveland and how we are all much more similar than different. Enjoy these photos from the Seder.

Alan Schonberg and Spanish Consul Manuel Lopez

Alan Schonberg and Spanish Consul Manuel Lopez

Rich Crepage, Sernea Scaiola and Richard Ziska

Rich Crepage, Sernea Scaiola and Richard Ziska

Dr. Vik Stankus

Dr. Vik Stankus

Kelly Feliciano, Jose Feliciano Jr. and Veronica Dahlberg

Kelly Feliciano, Jose Feliciano Jr. and Veronica Dahlberg

Jamie Fish, British Consul Sandra Morgan and Gabrielle Gueye

Jamie Fish, British Consul Sandra Morgan and Gabrielle Gueye

German Consul Diana M. Thimmig

German Consul Diana M. Thimmig

Richard Herman, Joe Thomas and Andres Gonzalez

Richard Herman, Joe Thomas and Andres Gonzalez

Diana Centeno-Gomez and Jose Feliciano

Diana Centeno-Gomez and Jose Feliciano

Mona and Harjit Alag and Dr. Gita Gidwani

Mona and Harjit Alag and Dr. Gita Gidwani

Rachel Urum

Rachel Urum

Reverend Howard Pippin

Reverend Howard Pippin

Reverend Liza Hendricks

Reverend Liza Hendricks

Rev Orlando Chaffee and Rev Otis Moss Jr.

Rev Orlando Chaffee and Rev Otis Moss Jr.

Scott Matasar, President of the Cleveland chapter of the American Jewish Committee (AJC)

Scott Matasar, President of the Cleveland chapter of the American Jewish Committee

Stanley Miller

Stanley Miller of the NAACP

Eric Wald

Eric Wald

Lee C Shapiro

Lee C Shapiro

Yana and Alin Rosca

Yana and Romanian Consul Alin Rosca

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