The 11th Annual AJC (American Jewish Committee) inter-faith Diplomatic Seder was held at Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple in Beachwood. Each spring, when the world of nature renews itself, the Jewish people reflect upon their emergence from slavery and the meaning of freedom. Our ancestors have celebrated the Passover Seder, with its rich ceremonies, folk songs, and colorful symbols for thousands of years. Through our ritual retelling of the story of Egyptian bondage, we are reminded of the continuing battle for freedom in every generation. Several speakers were asked to talk about 'What Freedom means to me.'
Steve Dettelbach serves as United States Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio. He said that like many in the audience he grew up with freedom but he is reminded every day that even in 2014 many are not free.
Dr. Naser Danan was born in Syria. He said, "We are hardwired to seek a dignified life free of coercion."
Passover, the Festival of Freedom is as relevant today as it has ever been. The Seder, which keeps alive in us the love of liberty, has significance for all of humankind. Leaders of Cleveland's mosaic came together to explore our common struggle over issues of tolerance and justice and to celebrate our shared dream of freedom, equality, and peace.
Note that the orange is on the Seder plate because it was once said the idea of women as rabbis is as farfetched as oranges on the seder plate. Now many add the orange because so many women are rabbis.
As always, the diverse crowd took part in reading, dancing, singing and telling personal stories. Enjoy these images from the AJC Interfaith Seder.
Seth Briskin
Eric Wald
Jose Feliciano Jr.

Ron Johnson and Dr. Janet Lee Kemp

Paramjit Singh, Raj Pillai and Michael Mendoza
Blaine Griffin and Meredith Turner
Honorary Lithuanian Consul Ingrida Bublys and Dr. Vik Stankus

Lisa Wong, Jennifer and Vi Huynh
Christin and Andrew Fedyasky and Fr. Joe Hilinski

David Hexter, Honorary British Consul Sandra Morgan and Jenny Kaplan
HonoraryConsul to Spain (Emeritus) Manuel and Eileen Lopez and Hedy and Alberto Herrera

Juan Molina Crespo and Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson

Pradip Kamat and Darrell McNair

Anthony Alto, Jose and Kelly Feliciano
Honorary German Consul Diane and John Thimmig

Stanley Miller and Jill Zimon
Andrew and Christine Fedyasky, Steve Fought, Dr. Caroln Henry-Hurst, Wadieodibe Brown

Pradip Kamat and Fareed Siddiq
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