Kol Israel 2022 Holocaust Memorial

Kol Israel 2022 Holocaust Memorial
Zion Memorial Park
Bedford Heights
October 2, 2022

Kol Israel Foundation is an organization of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, their families, and supporters. Each year they hold an annual Memorial Service "in memory of the six million innocent Jewish men, women and children who perished by the hands of the Nazis. Though their bodies have perished, their souls and their spirit will forever remain immortal."

The annual Memorial Service was held at Zion Memorial Park in Bedford Heights on Sunday October 2, 2022. It was co-sponsored by Kol Israel Foundation and the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. In 1961, Kol Israel built one of the first monuments in the United States dedicated to the 6 million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. Ashes of the victims from concentration camps are buried beneath it and the names of deceased family members are engraved on its surrounding wall.

Kol Israel Monument

A large crowd attended the event.

Crowd at Kol Israel event

Crowd at Kol Israel event

Crowd at Kol Israel event

The ceremony began with Memorial Co-Chair Avi Goldman introducing the Jewish War Veterans who carried the flags.

Avi Goldman at Kol Israel Memorial

Avi Goldman

Jewish War Veterans

Jewish War Veterans

Kol Israel Flag

Kol Israel Flag

Then Michael Hennenberg, son of a Holocaust survivor, read a Memorial Prayer.

Michael Hennenberg

Michael Hennenberg

Michael Hennenberg

Then, MC Avi Goldman introduced Charles Gruenspan, a son of a Holocaust survivor, who sang Ani Maamin prayer.

Charles Gruenspan

Charles Gruenspan

Watch a video of the beginning of the ceremony.

The Co-Chair Mark Frank led the candle lighting ceremony to honor the six million martyrs of the Holocaust. Family representatives were Al Hersh, Harry Greenwald and Louise Gips, Miriam Steinfeld and Tova Baron, Nina Frankel, John Newburger and Roni Berenson.

Mark Frank

Mark Frank

Candlelighter Al Hersh and family

Candlelighter Al Hersh and family

Candlelighters Harry Greenwald and Louise Gips

Candlelighters Harry Greenwald and Louise Gips

Candlelighters Miriam Steinfeld and Tova Baron

Candlelighters Miriam Steinfeld and Tova Baron

Candlelighter Nina Frankel family

Candlelighter Nina Frankel family

Candlelighter John Newburger

Candlelighter John Newburger

Candlelighter Roni Berenson and family

Candlelighter Roni Berenson and family

The Seventh Candle was lit by members of the Shul Boys Jewish Motorcycle Club.

Candleighters Shul Boys

Candlelighters Shul Boys

Candleilghters Shul Boys

Candleilghters Shul Boys

Shul Boys

Watch the video of the Candle Lighting ceremony to hear the stories of the survivors.

Robert Zelwin of the Kol Israel Foundation, spoke next.

Robert Zelwin

Robert Zelwin

Then Memorial Co-Chair Avi Goldman introduced Erica Starrfield of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland.

Erica Starrfield

Erica Starrfield

Muriel Weber then introduced Michael Caputo who honored his father Charles Caputo.

Muriel Weber

Muriel Weber

Michael Caputo

Michael Caputo

Then Rabbi Matt Eisenberg gave his address.

Rabbi Matt Eisenberg

Rabbi Matt Eisenberg

Next Charles Gruenspan led the Tehillim and Kol Mole Rachamim.

Then, Rabbi Eisenberg led the Mourner's Kaddish.

Then the color guard marched out to conclude the event.

Honor Guard at Kol Israel

Honor Guard at Kol Israel

A group photo of the survivors present was taken.

Holocaust Survivors group photo

Watch the video of the 2nd part of the event from the Federation speaker to the conclusion.

See more photos from the Holocaust Memorial at Zion Memorial Park


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