Pipe and drums play as marchers assemble for the ceremony
Mingling of the soil of many nations

Silvija Rutenbergs adds Latvian soil to soil of other nations at the American Legion Peace Garden
Latvian soil is added to the mix
Estonian soil is added to the mix
Marchers in costume with flags assemble for the parade
The One World Day Parade travels down the hill
The One World Day Parade reaches the Latvian Garden
Anda Cook and George Terbrak

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and Silvija Rutenbergs
Latvian costumes and information were on display

There were crafts for the children

The ceremony began with National Anthems
Lithuanian National Anthem
Latvian National Anthem
Estonian National Anthem

George Brown of Senator Voinovich's office speaks
Mayor Frank Jackson, Silvija Rutenbergs and...




Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson poses with One World Day participants
The One World Day crowd had a wonderful time exploring the Latvian Cultural Garden

Estonian representative Erika Puussaar and British representative Mary Hamlin

The Latvian Folk Ensemble performed
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