Cleveland American Middle East Organization (CAMEO) is a Bi-partisan Political Action Organization that was established in 1970. It is designed to articulate the political interest of more than 100,000 Northeastern Ohio residents of Middle Eastern heritage, Arab Americans. The 44th anniversary of the group was celebrated at a dinner event at St. Elias Cultural Center on May 2, 2014.
Paul Marnecheck, Second Vice-President of CAMEO, the Cleveland American Middle East Organization, served as Master of Ceremonies at CAMEO's 44th anniversary event. Paul Marnecheck
He welcomed the crowd and called on Amy George to sing the National Anthem.
Amy George singing the national anthem

Justice Judith French led the Pledge of Allegiance. Justice Judith French

Fr. Naim Khalil of St Elias Church gave the invocation at CAMEO's 44th anniversary event. Fr. Naim Khalil
Mark George, Board Member of CAMEO, introduced some of the many elected officials in the room at CAMEO's 44th anniversary event. He said that the famous John Kennedy quote "Ask not what your country …" was first stated by Khalil Gibran.
Mark George
Pierre Bejjani, President of CAMEO, introduced some of the many special guests who came from out of town to CAMEO's 44th anniversary event.
Pierre Bejjani
Pierre Bejjani told of the history of CAMEO and how it survived for 44 years. The reason it survives, he said, is they discuss local politics only, not international.
Pierre Bejjani then welcomed the many ethnic communities that were represented at CAMEO's 44th anniversary event. This included Russian, Egyptian, Indian, Hispanic, Palestinian, Lebanese, Turkish, Pakistani and more. He also thanked ClevelandPeople.Com for their efforts to promote diversity.
Pierre Bejjani
A few of the Special Guests at CAMEO event 
After dinner, Abby Mina (Past President of CAMEO) presided over the awards presentation.
Abby Mina
Then WKYC TV3 anchor Chris Tye gave the keynote address.
The program ended after Tony Abdulkarim, First Vice-President of CAMEO thanked the crowd at CAMEO's 44th anniversary event.
Tony Abdulkarim
He then introduced Imam Ramez Islambouli who gave the Benediction. Imam Ramez Islambouli
Page 2 - CAMEO Awards
Page 3 - Keynote Speaker Chris Tye
Page 4 - Faces in the crowd at the CAMEO event - who do you recognize?
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