Enjoy these images from Lebanon Independence Day 2014 in Cleveland. If we made a mistake with a name or you can help ID someone please let us know.)
Cleveland Mayor Jackson and Nemer Souweidi
Tony Abdulkarim and Murat Gurer

Faris Alameh

National Anthem

Bejjani Family
Debbie Hanson and Abdullah Mina
Judge Cassidy, Gia Hoa Ryan and Don Luong

Len and Liz Elias

George Exergian and Nemer Souweidi
Abdulaal Family
Dan Hanson and Eddie Malone
Pierre Bejjani and Mayor Jackson
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Mayor Jackson and Tony Abdulkarim

Happy Lebanon Day!
Main Lebanon Day 2014 Page
Photos and videos of the Ajyal performance at Lebanon Day 2014
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