Enjoy some videos from Svyturys at Juventus (below). Let us know if you have any corrections or identifications we can add.
NOTE: All the images below with a white arrow in the middle are videos. (The other images are just photos) You can click on the white arrow to watch the video of whatever is described. Make sure your speakers are on and you can make the video full screen once it begins by clicking the icon in the lower right corner.
In this video, youngsters from Svyturys performed the dance "We are the little Svyturys dancers."
Next, Svyturys dancers performed Trijula - Trio Dance.
Svyturys dancers performed Gailingis -Dancing of the Bells.
Next, Svyturys dancers performed Mergauda - The Courting of the Girls.
Then Svyturys dancers performed Gyvataras - Lithuanian Line Dance.
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Next, Svyturys dancers performed Raganaites, the Lithuanian Dance of the Little Witches.
Svyturys dancers performed Raganaites, the Lithuanian Dance of the Little Witches
This is Parovejos Suktinis, the Lithuanian Spinning Dance.
Next, Svyturys dancers performed Treptinuke, the Lithuanian Stomping Dance.
Next, the Svyturys dancers performed Tu Lietuva, Tu Mana or Lithuania, You are Mine.
This is the grand finale of Jei Karalium Buciau or If I were King.
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