Rev. Joseph Hilinski, Pastor of St Barbara Church at 1505 Denison in Cleveland welcomed the crowd to the Mass Mob at the Church and introduced the other 3 concelebrants. Rev. Joseph Hilinski
He explained that the Mass would be in both Polish and English and that it was a special day as Polish and as Catholics as Popes John XXIII and John Paul II were canonized.
Before Mass, the power went out but the musical group Diaconal from Columbus played while the repairs were made. Diaconal Musical GroupThis next video is Diaconal's version of Ave Maria in Polish.
This Polish Hymn by Diaconal was without microphones while the repairs were made.
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The Processional into Church included marchers in traditional Polish costumes and a banner of Pope John Paul II.
Processional into St Barbara Church

Rev. Joseph Hilinski, Pastor of St Barbara Church thanked the two workers from Cleveland Public Power who helped restore power at the Church. The service was delayed for ˝ hour as the workers fixed the problem. Fr. Hilinski thanked just canonized Pope John Paul II for sending these "two angels" and told of the good people working for the City.
The musical group Diaconal from Columbus performed the Responsorial Hymn after the first Epistle.
In his sermon on the Sunday when Popes John XXIII and John Paul II were canonized, Rev. Joseph Hilinski, Pastor of St Barbara Church at 1505 Denison in Cleveland told 3 important things about the Saints. First, they had the same spiritual equipment as we do. Second, the context of their lives - World Wars I and II, the Nazis and Communism. Third was the physical end to their lives - painful stomach cancer and Parkinson's disease. They were just like us and what was available to them is available to us.
Rev. Joseph Hilinski
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Rev. Andrzej Panek, Assistant for Polish Speaking Ministry at St. Barbara Catholic Church spoke about the 2nd Mass Mob in Cleveland where over 500 people attended the Polish and English service. Fr. Panek said that every Sunday should be a Mass Mob.
More images from the Special Mass Mob 2 at St Barbara
Tribute (in Polish and English) to newly canonized Saint Pope John Paul II
Images of Saint Barbara Church in Cleveland
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