The Polish Cultural Garden was dedicated October 28, 1934. 

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)

The great Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus was a true Renaissance man. Copernicus was a mathematician, astronomer, physician, classical scholar, translator, artist, Catholic cleric, jurist, governor, military leader, diplomat and economist. Astronomy was just part of his work yet he is most remembered for providing the first modern formulation of a heliocentric (Sun-centered) theory of the solar system. This could be said to be the starting point of modern astronomy and the beginning of the Scientific Revolution.
Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916)

Henryk Sienkiewicz was a Polish journalist and Nobel Prize-winning novelist. He was one of the most popular and prolific Polish writers at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1905 for his "outstanding merits as an epic writer."

The bust of Madame Marie Sklowdoska Curie was restored and rededicated in a ceremony on June 7, 2009.
Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie
Photos and videos of the Curie statue rededication
Inscriptions on the pedestal of the Marie Sklodowska Curie bustSide one
Presented by
The American Polish
Women's Club
in honor of one of
the most famous of
its Polish Women
June 5, 1949. Restored June 7, 2009 by
Hon. Diane Karpinski
in memory of
Helen Karpinski
past president
American Polish Women's Club
Barbara and Christine Burke
in memory of
Genevieve Mowinski Burke
past President
American Polish Women's Club and Helen K. Mowinski
founder and past president
American Polish Women's Club.
Side Two
Mme. Marie Sklodowska Curie
Polish French Physicist and chemist
A woman honored by the world for her services to mankind Co-discoverer of radium Born Nov. 7, 1867 at Warsaw
Died July 4, 1934 at Paris Discoverer of polonium Honored twice with
The Nobel Prize First Woman on the Faculty of the University of Paris Buried in the Pantheon in Paris
Side Three
Restored June 7, 2009 by
Maria Siemonow MD. PhD. DSC
"To commemorate my
Mother Zofia Kusza and
Her involvement in the
Polish Underground
Movement Szare Szeregi
During the second
World War"
Elizabeth M. Dabrowksi
"In memory of my
Mother Elizabeth A. Dabrowski
And my uncle
Leonard A. Krawczynski
Analytical chemist"
Grazyna Palczewski
Margaret Wong
An advocate for immigrants
Kucharski-Cooke-Wendrowski Families
In memory of
Paulina Dymkowska Kucharski
Josephina Dymkowskia Wendrowski
Who, despite the tsar's edict forbidding teaching the Polish Language were educated in an underground school organized By 17 year old Maria Curie
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