Enjoy these images of people at the second annual Maslenitsa celebration at the Rockefeller Greenhouse to benefit the Cleveland Russian Cultural Garden.
Irina Vinogradsky, Svetlana Stolyarova and Vera Astreika
Greater Cleveland Russian Chorus - Michael Pilat, director (aka Misha the Merciless), Leon Sheean, Michael Clements, Paul Burlijj, Ron Latare, John Romanchik and Ken Kovach (aka Yuli K)
Bliny contest judges Debbie Hanson, Ken Kovach, Sheila Crawford and Erika Puussaar with Svetlana Stolyarova

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Ken Kovach
Maslenitsa workers - Anna Mata, Svetlana Stolyarova, Olga Konkova, Paula Menguini, Natalia Khoretonenko, Varvara Boryushkina,
Irina Vinogradsky and Boris Vinogradsky
Congratulations to the leaders of the Russian Cultural Garden and the Maslenitsa committee for a terrific event. ***Note: The Russian Cultural Gardens is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to promoting the Russian Heritage and Russian cultural influence in America. The Russian Cultural Gardens has a prominent goal of building the Russian Cultural Garden as a part of the Cultural Gardens of Cleveland in the Rockefeller Park. Visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/russiangarden. Back to Main 2016 Maslenitsa Page
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