Yuri Gagarin bust in Russian Cultural Garden

Yuri Gagarin Bust Unveiled
Russian Cultural Garden - Cleveland
August 25, 2019

Yuri Gagarin was a Russian cosmonaut who became the first human to journey into outer space, completing one orbit of Earth on April 12, 1961. Gagarin became an international celebrity and was awarded many medals and titles, including Hero of the Soviet Union, his nation's highest honor. He was honored with a bust in the Russian Cultural Garden in Cleveland during the One World Day celebration.

Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin bust in Russian Cultural Garden

Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin bust in Russian Cultural Garden

Russian Cultural Garden chair Svetlana Stolyarova was joined by her co-chair Dr. Boris Vinogradsky and other committee members.

Svetlana Stolyarova before the Gagarin bust unveiling

Svetlana Stolyarova before the Gagarin bust unveiling

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, Dr. Wael Khoury, president of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation and Mark Kalinin, Counselor, Embassy of the Russian Federation, director of the Russian Cultural Centre also spoke. Sophia Tabarovskaya represented the Public Charity Fund Dialogue of Cultures - United World.

Click the white arrow in the image below to watch the ceremony and the unveiling.


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Enjoy these other images from the Gagarin Bust unveiling in the Russian Cultural Garden.

Yuri Gagarin bust before unveiling in Russian Cultural Garden

Yuri Gagarin bust before unveiling in Russian Cultural Garden


Mark Kalinin, Mayor Frank Jackson,
Svetlana Stolyarova and Dr. Boris Vinogradsky

Mark Kalinin, Counselor, Embassy of the Russian Federation

Mark Kalinin, Counselor, Embassy of the Russian Federation

Sophia Tabarovskaya represented the Public Charity Fund Dialogue of Cultures - United World

Sophia Tabarovskaya of the Public Charity Fund Dialogue of Cultures - United World

Mayor Frank Jackson, Svetlana Stolyarova and Dr. Boris Vonogradsky

Mayor Frank Jackson, Svetlana Stolyarova and Dr. Boris Vinogradsky

Unveiling of the Yuri Gagarin bust in the Russian Cultural Garden

Unveiling of the Yuri Gagarin bust in the Russian Cultural Garden

Unveiling of the Yuri Gagarin bust in the Russian Cultural Garden

Unveiling of the Yuri Gagarin bust in the Russian Cultural Garden

Unveiling of the Yuri Gagarin bust in the Russian Cultural Garden


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See the Cleveland Russian community in the Parade of Flags at One World Day

See more from the 2019 One World Day

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