A bust of Aleksander Vasylovych Dukhnovych was installed in the Rusin Cultural Garden in Cleveland on November 30, 2011. Dukhnovych was a priest, poet, writer, pedagogue, and social activist of the Rusyn nation. Dukhnovych is regarded to be one of the outstanding Ruthenian humanists and educators.
In 1850 Dukhnovych established the first Ruthenian cultural association, the Prešov Literary Society. The society under his guidance published a series of books. His most famous patriotic poem Ja Rusyn byl, jesm i budu (I Was, Am, and Will Be a Ruthenian) was published as part of an anthology in 1851. This poem would later become the national anthem of Carpatho-Rusyns.
John Krenisky and Marcia Benko from the Carpatho-Rusyn Society were on hand for the installation along with Cleveland Cultural Garden president Paul Burik and his wife Fran. Thanks to John for sharing these photos.
John Krenisky and Marcia Benko from the Carpatho-Rusyn Society at the new bust of Dukhnovych

John Krenisky and Marcia Benko from the Carpatho-Rusyn Society and Fran and Paul Burik from the Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation
A formal ceremony will take place Spring 2012. Stay tuned. Back to Top
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