The Serbian Cultural Garden in Rockefeller Park, which together with a chain of more than 30 other nationality gardens, is an international symbol of peace and cultural diversity. To pay for maintenance and new busts and features, a golf outing fundraiser is held each year. Alex Machaskee and his son Lex Machaskee organized the day which ended with a dinner, music and raffle at St. Elias Cultural Center Hall after the day of golf.
Alex Machaskee
During the social hour before dinner, 4 Serbian American ladies from the band Sarena performed. Sarena
This is a song explaining why they have to drink all night.
After dinner the performers got together for a jam session much to the delight of attendees such as Margaret Wong and her mother.
 Margaret Wong and Mother
Lex Machaskee

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The Serbian Cultural Garden is one of the most beautiful and historic Gardens in the Cleveland Cultural Gardens. Until you can visit the Serbian Cultural Garden in person, enjoy this Virtual Tour of the Serbian Cultural Garden.
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