On Sunday, July 1, 2012 America's polka padre, Father Frank Perkovich, arrived from Minnesota to lead the Polka Mass service at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio. He was accompanied by the Eddie Vallus Orchestra. Dinner and dancing followed.
This was Father Perkovich's first Polka Mass appearance in the Cleveland area this year. The Polka Mass enhances the spiritual experience with hymns set to favorite polka and waltz melodies. It's a unique expression of faith, originated by Slovenian-Americans forty years ago. Father Perk's Polka Mass recording is the top-selling Cleveland-style polka album of the past fifty years.
Father Frank Perkovich, the Polka Priest
Eddie Vallus and his orchestra made a special trip from the Youngstown area to entertain with vocalist John Ross. Dinners, refreshments and sandwiches were served after the Mass. All enjoyed a special menu featuring Slovenian-style treats. At 3:00, Eddie gives the downbeat for an upbeat afternoon of peppy polkas and romantic waltzes, until 7:00 p.m.
Ed Trebets was on hand to explain how to choose a quality beer or wine. Ed produces his own lines under the Cellar Rat and Muddy Paws labels. As the long-time wine chemist and brewer at Chalet DeBonne, he can help you find a variety or vintage to suit your palate.
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