Rally for Ukraine in Parma Ohio

Rally for Ukraine
St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral
Parma Ohio
February 27, 2022

Parma Ohio is a suburb of Cleveland that has a large and strong Ukrainian community including an area known as Ukrainian Village. With the atrocities of the criminal invasion of sovereign Ukraine by the madman Putin, the Ukrainian community, friends and supporters gathered to show support.

Crowds filled St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral to capacity and the standing room only crowd spilled outside.

St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral

The event began with solemn prayers for the country and people of Ukraine.

Clergy at St. Vladimir raly for Ukraine

Clergy at St. Vladimir rally for Ukraine

Clergy at St. Vladimir raly for Ukraine

Assistant Pastor Rev. Michael Hontaruk gave his remarks (in English and Ukrainian) after the religious service.

NOTE: All the images below with a white arrow in the middle are videos. (The other images are just photos) You can click on the white arrow to watch the video of whatever is described. Make sure your speakers are on and you can make the video full screen once it begins by clicking the icon in the lower right corner.

Rev. Michael Hontaruk

Rev. Michael Hontaruk

Rev. Hontaruk introduced Marta Liscynesky-Kelleher, president of the United Ukrainian Organizations of Ohio, an umbrella group for more than 50 Ukrainian cultural, political and other organizations in the state.

Marta Liscynesky-Kelleher

Marta Liscynesky-Kelleher

Marta gave her remarks and then introduced Honorary Consul of Lithuania Ingrida Bublys who said that Lithuania stands with Ukraine.

Honorary Consul of Lithuania Ingrida Bublys

Honorary Consul of Lithuania Ingrida Bublys

Next, Marta introduced American Jewish Committee Cleveland Regional Director Lee C. Shapiro who spoke of the solidarity of Jews and Ukrainians.

American Jewish Committee Cleveland Regional Director Lee C. Shapiro

AJC Cleveland Regional Director Lee C. Shapiro

Next, Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter called up the Parma City Council as he gave his remarks about the Ukrainian community and Ukrainian Village in Parma.

Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter

Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter

Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter and City Council members

Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter and City Council members

US Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur gave her remarks and offered a plan coming from this part of America.

US Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur

US Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur

US Senator Rob Portman gave his remarks and was given a standing ovation by the crowd. On Meet the Press that morning Senator Portman advocated for Ukraine's membership in NATO.

US Senator Rob Portman

US Senator Rob Portman

Near the end of the ceremony the crowd sang a Ukrainian song wishing 100 years of life and then God Bless America.

Marta Liscynesky-Kelleher gave her call to action at the end of the rally.

Assistant Pastor Rev. Michael Hontaruk gave his final thoughts and the people gathered outside the Church with signs and sang songs and showed support for Ukraine.

There were many government officials, organization leaders, friends from other ethnic communities and more at the rally. Some of the officials we saw include:
  • Andy Fedynsky - Ukrainian Museum and Archives
  • Armond Budish - Cuyahoga County Executive
  • Chris Ronayne - County Executive Candidate
  • Frank Whitfield - Mayor of Elyria
  • Ingrida Bublys - Honorary Lithuanian Consul
  • Jim Trakas - Former Ohio House of Representatives
  • Lee C. Shapiro - American Jewish Committee Cleveland
  • Lee Weingart - County Executive Candidate
  • Marcy Kaptur - US Congress
  • Matt Dolan - US Senate Candidate
  • Mike Polensek - Cleveland City Councilman
  • Nickie Antonio - State Senator
  • Ralph Perk - American Nationalities Movement leader
  • Rob Portman - US Senator
  • Roman Fedorko - Cleveland Department of Public Health
  • Tim DeGeeter - Mayor of Parma
  • Toomas Tubalkain - Estonian leader
Sorry for those I missed. Please let me know if you were there and I will add you.

Here are some other photos from the Rally.

George Jaskiw MD with flag bearer

George Jaskiw MD with flag bearer

National Council of Jewish Women

National Council of Jewish Women

Estonian leader Toomas Tubalkain

Estonian leader Toomas Tubalkain

Polish community support

Polish community support

AJC with Senator Portman

AJC with Senator Portman

The next generation

The next generation

Hands off Putin

Stop Putin

Stop Putin

Stop Putin

Stop Putin

Flag bearer

Father and daughter

Ukraine Insurgent Army flag

Ukraine Insurgent Army flag

Slava Ukraini!

See the 2021 Holodomor Commemoration at St. Vladimir's


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