Cleveland Cultural Gardens The Cleveland Cultural Gardens are a treasure covering 1.5 miles in University Circle's Rockefeller Park. The Gardens were created as a lasting tribute to peace, harmony and mutual understanding. They have been the site of countless parades, weddings, musicals, dances and celebrations, and have hosted dignitaries from around the world. A renewed interest in their continued vitality has led to establishment of new gardens and revitalization of others in recent years. The visionary behind the gardens was Leo Weidenthal, an editor of the Jewish Independent. You really should visit the Gardens in person. The lower level is on MLK between the freeway and Superior and the upper level is on East Boulevard between Superior and St. Clair.  Here are some links to information, photos and video tours of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens.
African-American Cultural Garden in Cleveland
Juneteenth in African-American Cultural Garden
Armenian Cultural Garden Planning
Indian Cultural Garden and Gandhi Statue Dedication
Azerbaijan Cultural Garden
British Cultural Garden
Chinese Cultural Garden
Croatian Cultural Garden Benefit
Czech Cultural Garden
Mixing of Estonian Soil in the American Legion Peace Garden
Estonian Cultural Garden
Finnish Cultural Garden
Working in the German Cultural Garden
German Cultural Garden Bach, Goethe, Schiller, Heine Statues and more
Johann Goethe and Johann Schiller monument German Cultural Garden in Cleveland, Ohio
Greek Cultural Garden
Hungarian Cultural Garden Celebration
Hungarian Cultural Garden
Irish Cultural Garden Rededication
Irish Cultural Garden
Italian Cultural Garden
Opera in the Italian Cultural Garden
Hebrew Cultural Garden
Hebrew Garden Lecture at the Maltz Museum by Nate Arnold 11-28-09 - Why is it called the Hebrew Garden?
Latvian Cultural Garden
Latvian President Valdis and wife Lilita Zatlere visit the Latvian Cultural Garden on 4-26-08
The Latvian community hosts One World Day at the Latvian Cultural Garden on 9-14-08
Lithuanian Cultural Garden
Polish Cultural Garden
Constitution Day Celebration - May 3, 2009 Placing wreath at Henryk Sienkiewicz statue in Polish Cultural Garden
Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie Statue Dedication - June 7, 2009 Dr. Marie Siemionow, Diane Karpinski, Ben Stefanski, Dennis Kucinich, John Borkowski and more
Romanian Cultural Garden
Rusyn Cultural Garden
Serbian Cultural Garden
Dedication of the Serbian Cultural Garden Photos and Videos of the October 2008 event
Photos and videos of President Tadic's visit to the Serbian Cultural Garden And the new iconic relief of Saint Sava - 9-21-09
Slovak Cultural Garden
Slovenian Cultural Garden
Ukrainian Cultural Garden
Cultural Gardens of Cleveland website
Cultural Gardens presentation at Maltz Museum September 26, 2009
One World Day 2009 in Cultural Gardens Ceremony and Dignitaries from the annual One World Day
One World Day 2009 in Cultural Gardens
Parade of Nations (costumes and flags)
One World Day 2009 in Cultural Gardens
Musical Performances - Rusyn, Slovak, Russian and more
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