
Cleveland International Folk Festival
June 26, 2011
Wade Oval, University Circle

The 22nd annual International Folk Festival was held at Wade Oval in University Circle.

The International Folk Festival is sponsored by the International Services Center (ISC) which was established in 1916 as a non-sectarian, private non-profit refugee resettlement and social services agency.

International Services Center ics logo

Executive Director Karin Wishner says "ISC is dedicated to assisting refugees, immigrants and other new citizens in overcoming social, cultural and economic barriers."

ISC Executive Director Karin Wishner and Board member Susan Lohwater

ISC Executive Director Karin Wishner
and Board Member Susan Lohwater

The ISC is a United Way Agency and a member of the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. The ISC booth was busy throughout the International Folk Festival.

International Services Center booth

International Services Center

International Services Center Board Members George Koussa (and son) and Dora Harper

ISC Board Members George Koussa (and son)
and Dora Harper (at right)

Along with the annual International Folk Festival, The ISC provides services such as:

  • Refugee Resettlement
  • Immigration Consultation
  • Job Counseling
  • Education
  • Citizen Services
  • Language Bank
  • Fingerprinting
  • Urban Agriculture

The beautiful weather, terrific venue and amazing line up of international acts enticed a very large crowd to visit this year's event. Almost a dozen Food Trucks lined Wade Oval giving the crowds some new and fun foods to sample.

The 2011 International Folk Festival began with a welcome from the Masters of Ceremonies for the day, Ken Kovach and Asim Datta. Ken is the chair of the ISC Board and Asim is VP.

Ken Kovach

Ken Kovach

Asim Datta

Asim Datta

The International Folk Festival began with a performance by the Csardas Dance Company representing Hungary. Csardas is celebrating its 17th anniversary this year. It is a nonprofit professional dance company presenting traditional and contemporary works stemming from Hungarian heritage.

The group is directed by Toni Gras. They performed several traditional dances at the Festival including the popular Bottle Dance (Uveges).

Csardas Hungarian Dance Company

Csardas Hungarian Dance Company - Bottle dance

Csardas Hungarian Dance Company

More photos and video from the Csardas Hungarian Dance Company
at the International Folk Festival

The next act was the Kyklonas Hellenic Dancers, representing Greece. They are a group of teens from St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Rocky River, Ohio under the direction of Eleni Papouras Jenks.

Kyklonas Hellenic Dancers

Kyklonas Hellenic Dancers

Kyklonas Hellenic Dancers

More photos and video from the Kyklonas Hellenic Dancers
at the International Folk Festival

Page 2 of the 2011 International Folk Festival includes pictures and videos of groups representing Japan, India and Puerto Rico.

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Page 5 of the 2011 International Folk Festival

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