
2024 Pan-American Masters Games
Welcome Celebration
Mall C Ceremony
Cleveland, OH USA
July 13, 2024

After gathering on Public Square the athletes merged together for the Parade to Mall C. This video is after they reached Mall C when representatives from the 70 or so communities carried the flag of the country down the High-5 Tunnel. Then the athletes were called up by sport and began to fill up Mall C. They were led by the John Marshall HS drum line. We took a quick look at all the flag bearers and then watched the athletes fill up the Mall.

Here are some pictures as the athletes marched in to Mall C for the ceremony.

John Marshall HS drum line

John Marshall HS drum line

John Marshall HS drum line

John Marshall HS drum line

John Marshall HS drum line

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Pan Am Masters Games 2024 athletes Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Here are some of the flag bearers who were local representatives of their ethnic communities. Cleveland is home to about 120 distinct ethnic heritages.

Ukraine flag at Pan Am Masters Games 2024 Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Ukraine Flag

Argentina flag at Pan Am Masters Games 2024 Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Argentina Flag

US Virgin Islands flag at Pan Am Masters Games 2024 Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

US Virgin Island Flag

Venezuela flag at Pan Am Masters Games 2024 Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Venezuela Flag

Vietnam flag at Pan Am Masters Games 2024 Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Vietnam Flag

Latvia and Egypt flags at Pan Am Masters Games 2024 Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Latvia and Egypt Flags

India flag at Pan Am Masters Games 2024 Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

India Flag

Lithuania flag at Pan Am Masters Games 2024 Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Lithuania Flag

Chile flag at Pan Am Masters Games 2024 Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

Chile Flag

India flag at Pan Am Masters Games 2024 Welcoming Ceremony in Cleveland

India Flag

Once all the athletes arrived, there was a brief welcoming ceremony. Gabriella Kreuz and Ahmaad Crump served as MCs.

Stage at Pan Am Welcome Celebration

Stage at Pan Am Welcome Celebration

Gabriella Kreuz

Gabriella Kreuz

Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb welcomed the crowd.

Mayor Justin Bibb

Mayor Justin Bibb

Mayor Justin Bibb

He was followed by a group of Native Americans representing the land.

Native Americans

Native Americans

Next, Sergey Bubka, President of the International Masters Games Association and ten-time world champion, Olympic gold medalist and 35-time world record holder, spoke.

Sergey Bubka

Sergey Bubka

He was followed by Greater Cleveland Sports Commission President/CEO David Gilbert.

David Gilbert

David Gilbert

Then Gina Kashuk, Committee Co-Chair called up athletes from 6 continents to recite the Athlete's Oath. This included the most senior athlete competing, a 98 year old from New Zealand. After the oath the party continued with music, food and fun.

Athletes from 6 continents reciting the Athlete's Oath at Pan Am Masters Games in Cleveland

Reciting the Athlete's Oath

Athletes from 6 continents reciting the Athlete's Oath at Pan Am Masters Games in Cleveland

Athletes from 6 continents reciting the Athlete's Oath at Pan Am Masters Games in Cleveland

Here is a video of the Welcome Ceremony and speeches. I had to mute some of the scenes in the video due to copyright issues - just imagine classic songs (I Love Rock and Roll, YMCA, Dancing Queen, etc.) being played.

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