Djapo Cultural Arts at Pan Am Masters Games

Djapo Cultural Arts Institute
World on Stage
2024 Pan-American Masters Games
Centennial Peace Plaza
Cleveland Cultural Gardens
July 20, 2024

Cleveland was the proud host of the 2024 Pan-American Masters Games from July 12-21, 2024. There were a variety of Special Events for the athletes and other visitors including the World on Stage international concert hosted by the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation with the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission. In conjunction with the 2024 Pan-American Masters Games, the July 20 celebration featured performances by the Kwan Family Lion Dance Team, PIAST Polish Folk Ensemble and Djapo Cultural Arts Institute dancers and drummers.

The Djapo Cultural Institute closed out the ceremony with an energetic performance of African drums and dances.

Watch a video of the first Djapo African Drums and Dance performance. NOTE: All the images below with a white arrow in the middle are videos. (The other images are just photos) You can click on the white arrow to watch the video of whatever is described. Make sure your speakers are on and you can make the video full screen once it begins by clicking the icon in the lower right corner.

Djapo Cultural Arts Institute drummers in Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Djapo Cultural Arts Institute drummers in Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Djapo Cultural Arts Institute drummers and dancers  in Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Djapo Cultural Arts Institute drummers and dancers  in Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Here they taught the audience some words and routines to get them involved.

Djapo Cultural Arts Institute drummers and dancers  in Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Djapo Cultural Arts Institute drummers and dancers  in Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Djapo Cultural Arts Institute drummers and dancers  in Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Next, with the drums playing in the background, the leader acted out a poem about Africa beginning with "I was born in the Congo…"

Djapo Cultural Arts Institute drummers and dancers  in Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Djapo Cultural Arts Institute drummers and dancers  in Cleveland Cultural Gardens

As a grand finale they invited the audience up on stage to dance with them.

Audience dancing with Djapo Cultural Arts Institute drummers and dancers in Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Audience dancing with Djapo Cultural Arts Institute drummers and dancers in Cleveland Cultural Gardens

Audience dancing with Djapo Cultural Arts Institute drummers and dancers in Cleveland Cultural Gardens

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Back to the main Pan Am Masters Game Page


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Murder in the Cultural Gardens
Whodunit Mystery
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