Strata - Indigenous Art at the Cleveland Museum of Art

Strata - by Rose B. Simpson
Indigenous Art
Cleveland Museum of Art Ames Atrium
December 3, 2024

Rose B. Simpson is a Tewa sculptor of Kha'po Ówîngeh (Santa Clara Pueblo). She is a mixed-media artist who works in ceramic, metal, fashion, painting, music, performance, and installation. She lives and works in Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico. She has a work called Strata in the Cleveland Museum of Art's Ames Family Atrium which comprises two monumental figural sculptures constructed from the artist's signature clay medium, in addition to metalwork, porous concrete, and cast bronze.

Strata sculpture at the Cleveland Museum of Art

Strata sculpture at the Cleveland Museum of Art

Strata sculpture at the Cleveland Museum of Art

The figures' layers mimic rock eroded through geologic time and the structural materiality of man-made architecture. Intricate welded metal structures mounted to the heads of each figure, intended to cast shadows, mimic the structures of the mind in relationship to time and space.

Strata drawing at the Cleveland Museum of Art

Strata info at the Cleveland Museum of Art


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