FICA is an organization dedicated to serving the needs of the Asian Indian Community in Northeast Ohio. They hosted a celebration of India's Independence Day in their Cultural Garden on MLK Blvd. in Cleveland. The Terminal Tower was lit up in orange, white and green to honor Independence Day
Independence Day is celebrated annually on August 15 as a public holiday in India commemorating the nation's independence from the United Kingdom on August 15, 1947, the day when the provisions of the Indian Independence Act, which transferred legislative sovereignty to the Indian Constituent Assembly, came into effect. India attained independence following the independence movement noted for largely non-violent resistance and civil disobedience led by Indian National Congress under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. The Cleveland Indian community gathered to sing the national anthems and patriotic songs and have a short program. Thanks to Ambassador Deepa Rao for sharing these photos.
FICA Board Chair Sudarshan Sathe

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