The British Cultural Garden was dedicated April 14, 1916. 

It was originally called the Shakespeare Garden and this Gateway is the entrance to the Shakespeare Garden.
The plaque on the left reads:
Gateway to Shakespeare Garden. Memorial tribute to Marie Leah Bruot 1857-1924. Teacher of English Speech Central High School 1185-1921
The plaque on the right reads:For thousands of boys and girls Marie Leah Bruot was the Gateway to the stately beauty of Shakespeare's matchless verse.
William Shakespeare statue in British Cultural Garden

Royal Oak from the Royal Forest England Coronation Memorial May 12, 1937 presented by English-speaking Union-Canada. Planted by Cornelia Otis Skinner famous daughter of a famous luminary of the American stage. May 28, 1948
The plaque honoring Jessie Withycombe Mercer was donated by The Daughters of the British Empire and dedicated in 1957
"Whose devoted service to the cause of the Shakespeare Garden and its Cultural Gardens companions abides in their living message of brotherhood and peace."
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