Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Kosciol Niepokalanego Serca Najswietszej Maryi Panny 6700 Lansing Avenue,
Cleveland February 27, 2025
The Immaculate Heart of Mary Church website says: "The parish of Immaculate Heart of Mary was founded on May 3, 1894 to serve the growing Polish Catholic community in the southeast area of Cleveland. The parish church dedicated in 1916 is a neighborhood landmark of striking beauty. The parish once sponsored an elementary school that was the result of collaboration between Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary parishes. At the time the school closed, 167 students were enrolled. At its peak school enrollment numbered 1350 students in a 16-classroom building. A parish hall/gymnasium, rectory and convent complete the parish facilities.
As the parish community moves into its second century parish membership numbers approximately 1,100: young and old, English speaking and Polish speaking, comprised of city and suburban residents. The parish mission today is the same as it was in 1894: serve the spiritual needs of parishioners; remain as an anchor of the neighborhood in which it is located and welcome all Catholics and new immigrants along with instructing future leaders of our Church."
It's a beautiful and historic Church in what is now called Slavic Village but was formerly known as Warszawa because of all the Poles who lived there. Glenn Sobola, a longtime parishioner of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and the director of the Slavic Village Historical Society, gave a presentation on February 27, 2025 on the history of the Church and neighborhood that included a look at the beautiful Church Windows by Munich Studios. It began with a welcome from pastor Fr. Ralph Hudak. Watch the video of the presentation.
One of the most striking features are the Church Windows by Munich Studios. I will have to get some pictures during the daylight to show their colors and details. You can learn about these impressive windows here.
Here are some photos from Immaculate Heart of Mary Church at the presentation.