Croatian Wedding Traditions

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit
Croatian Heritage Museum
34900 Lake Shore Blvd, Eastlake, Ohio
November 26, 2023

The latest exhibit at the Croatian Heritage Museum is titled: “Mladenka” - Croatian Wedding Traditions

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

We visited on opening day on Sunday, November 26, 2023 and longtime volunteer Branka Malinar gave us a tour.

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Branka told of some of the traditions such as how the bride's family would fool the groom with a "false" bride when he came to pick her up. Or how as soon as young girls could, they would start embroidering towels and other items to give to guests at her wedding.

Watch the video of the tour.

The exhibit shows the dresses and colorful headdresses for the brides and the towels (Rucnici) that the groom and other men wore. Various regions of Croatia are represented.

Admission is free. Here are a few more images from the Croatian Wedding Traditions exhibit.

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland

Croatian Wedding Traditions Exhibit in Cleveland


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